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Tuesday 29 March 2016

Air Chief Promises Better Training For Pilots

Air Force War On insurgency
The Chief of Air Staff in Nigeria, Air Marshal Sadiq Abubakar, says the Federal Government is committed to providing quality training for pilots, officers and men of the Nigerian Air Force involved in the fight against insurgency in the north east
He said that the government is making the commitment as part of efforts to end insurgency in the northeast.
Addressing members of the Air Component of the Joint Task Force in Yola, the capital of Adamawa State, Air Marshal Abubakar said the war on terror would be won soon.
He assured Nigerians and all residents of the northeast that the fight against Boko Haram insurgents was at its tail end, as the military had substantially degraded them.

The Chief of Air Staff also reiterated the government’s commitment to enhancing the training of officers and men of the Air Force.
He admitted that the history of the counter insurgency would be incomplete without acknowledging the sacrifices of officers and men of the force.
Air Marshal Abubakar further commissioned an official quarters of single officers, named after flight Lieutenant Ebitimi Owei who lost his life in a crash after an operation.
It was another message of peace, as the Air Chief stopped over in Yola to assess the situation on ground and visited the Emir’s palace with the message of hope.
The Lamido of Adamawa, Muhammadu Bin Aliyu, expresses optimism that the insurgents would be completely wiped out in the northeast.
From the Emir’s palace, the Chief of Air Staff visited the Government House where he listed the successes of the military against the insurgents.
Governor Muhammad Jibrilla also confirmed the successes of the military, saying the state was now calm.
He further told reporters that the state government was expecting the arrival of 56,000 Internally Displaced Persons from Cameroon.

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