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Monday 19 September 2016

Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to meet Clinton and Trump

Image result for abdel fattah el-sisi president
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is set to meet U.S Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Monday during the United Nations General Assembly , just as Hillary Clinton, the
Democratic presidential nominee, is also scheduled to meet the Egyptian President as well reports Reuters.

Clinton announced last week that she was scheduled to meet the Egyptian President and Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko in bilateral meetings late Monday. Trump’s foreign policy advisor Walid Phares told Reuters that Trump will also be having talks with President Sisi on the very same day.

Some Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives have since accused the Obama administration of abandoning its support of Egypt’s government in its battle against Islamic militants.



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