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Sunday 14 August 2016

Boko Haram video shows Chibok girls

Some 50 girls are shown with a gunman who demands the release of fighters in return for the girls, and says some girls died in air strikes.

The government says it is in touch with the militants behind the video.
A journalist who had contact with Boko Haram has been declared a wanted man by the Nigerian army.
The group is said to be holding more than 200 of the 276 final-year girls it seized from a school in April 2014.
Non-Muslims were forcibly converted to Islam, and it is feared that many of the schoolgirls have been sexually abused and forced into "marriage" by their captors.
Parents of the missing girls have described their anguish at seeing their daughters in captivity.

'Forty married'

The video begins with a shot of a masked man, carrying a gun, speaking to the camera. He says that some of the girls have been wounded and have life-threatening injuries, and that 40 have been "married".
Speaking in the Hausa language, the gunman says the girls on display will "never" be returned if the government does not release Boko Haram fighters who have been "in detention for ages".
I have seen her: Samuel Yaga, father of abducted schoolgirl Serah Samuel, talking to the BBC Hausa service
I have watched the video several times. I saw her sitting down.
The fact is we are overwhelmed with a feeling of depression. It's like being beaten and being stopped from crying. You helplessly watch your daughter but there is nothing you can do. It's a real heartache.
Those who are still alive - we want them back. We want them back irrespective of their condition.
As ordinary men, there is nothing we [the other fathers and I] can do on our own. We are just here unable to do anything with our lives. You see your child but someone denies you from having it. They are being forcefully married and they now live in terrible conditions.

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