News,entertainment,Fashion and Bead Making

Wednesday 31 August 2016

Kikoromeo specialises in Africa traditional prints

Image result for Ann MCCreath
Scottish fashion designer, Ann MCreath came to Kenya in 1996 to do relief work.

But after 3 years on the job, Mcreath felt she wasn’t doing enough as an aid worker. So she set up Kikoromeo, which means Adam’s Apple in Swahili. It’s a fashion house that has created thousands of local jobs  while at the same time incorporated traditional art and crafts of Kenya.

Kikoromeo has also dressed the A list in Kenya and the region.

Having previously worked in the fashion business for five years in Barcelona, McCreath drew from her skills and experience in high-fashion to market the KikoRomeo brand.

The fashion house has showcased on major catwalks in Milan, South Africa, London, New York and Paris.
 For job

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