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Monday 10 October 2016

Germany’s Chancellor Merkel pledges developmental support for Mali

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German Chancellor Merkel has pledged to support Mali in the fight against drug and people smuggling.

Speaking upon her arrival in Mali’s capital Bamako, Merkel said Mali was a country of transit for migrants, drug traffickers and people smugglers.

She said it was vital to put an immigration partnership in place between African countries and the European Union to help Mali develop and train citizens.

Germany, France and Italy have said they want to develop particularly closer relationships with Niger and Mali, which they see as important partners in solving the migration issue.

Merkel has described Africa, as the central problem in the migration issue, and last month said the

EU needed to establish migrant deals with North African countries along the lines of the Turkey deal.

Merkel is on a three nation tour of Africa where she will try to work towards curbing future waves of migration and to repair her reputation at home.

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