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Tuesday 4 October 2016

More than 6,000 migrants rescued in sea off Libya

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The Italian coast guard says 6 055 migrants have been rescued in one day in the Mediterranean off Libya. Nine bodies were recovered.

The coast guard said it co-ordinated a total of 39 rescues on Monday in the sea about 30 miles north of Tripoli.

Smugglers took advantage of the first day of calm seas after days of rough waters to launch vessels crowded with migrants who pay them in hopes of reaching European shores.
Most of the vessels were rubber dinghies, but there were also two rafts.
Doctors Without Borders said the dead included a 23-year-old pregnant woman.

Italian coast guard and navy ships, as well as vessels in European Frontex sea patrols and several humanitarian organisations, participated in the rescues.

Two migrants needing medical care were flown to Sicily’s Lampedusa island.

Source: Associated Press

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