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Tuesday 4 October 2016

Governors, Prominent Citizens Sue For Nigeria’s Restructuring

Image result for governors of nigeria

Some state governors and prominent citizens have called for the restructuring of Nigeria to make it more productive and efficient.
The call was made as part of solutions to Nigeria’s economic crisis and myriad of problems that have turned the once prosperous giant of Africa to a nation almost on its knees.

The governors made the recommendation on Monday in Abuja at the launch of a book titled ‘Challenges of Leadership in Nigeria’, a case study of President Muhammadu Buhari.

The Governor of Sokoto State, Aminu Tambuwal, pointed out during an interview with Channels Television that Nigeria must return to true federalism and devolution of powers from the centre.

“I’m in support of fiscal restructuring of our economy and devolution of power to the states.

“Devolve powers to the states, more responsibilities and give them more funding; That way, I believe Nigerian project will blossom,” he stated.

Some prominent citizens at the event also stressed the need for more autonomy for states and less
 power at the centre.

However, the Governor of Plateau State, Mr Simon Lalong, does not think restructuring was the quick fix many Nigerians think it was.
Some Nigerians, on their part, believed the call for restructuring had been gaining traction in the light of the present recession and ongoing challenges confronting the country.

The Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Ogunwusi, also told reporters that Nigerian states had their comparative advantage, urging the government to focus more on that.
“If you look into the strength of each state or region, it will take this nation out of the issue e are having now,” the Ooni said.

“Restore The Country”

Meanwhile, giving their opinions about the 320-page book on Buhari, some past leaders and other prominent Nigerians spoke about the leadership qualities of the President.

The event was attended by three presidents from Chad, Niger and Benin Republic and two former
Nigerian leaders; General Yakubu Gowon and Mr Olusegun Obasanjo among other prominent Nigerians.

For former Head of State, General Yakubu Gowon, it was a time for the President Buhari to restore the country.

“Mr President has been doing his best to get things going, to ensure that the economy is restored to good health and the suffering of the masses of the people is alleviated,” he stressed.
                                                 Mr Olusegun Obasanjo
Giving a speech about the presentation of events in the book, Mr Obasanjo said that the simple and chronological presentation made the book readable without stress and “makes you to not want to put it down when you start reading it”.

Also at the ceremony were the Chairman of the All Progressives Congress, Mr John Oyegun and the leader of the party that had called for Mr Oyegun’s resignation, Mr Bola Tinubu.
The supposedly disagreeing leaders sat side by side at the occasion.
Mr Oyegun and Senator Tinubu sitting side by side
                                           Mr Oyegun and Senator Tinubu sitting side by side
Reviewing the book, Mr Tinubu said that as a sitting president, Mr Buhari was on an assignment to undo the wrongs of nearly two decades of bad governance.

The author of the book, John Paden, a Professor of International Studies, who had written a book on late Sardauna of Sokoto, Sir Ahmadu Bello, described the President as a charismatic leader who would never do anything except it benefits the country.

Professor Paden said President Buhari had the courageous and upright personality that Nigeria needed at this time to forge a united country.

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