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Tuesday 31 May 2016

Police Arrest MASSOB Members For Killing Two Officials In Asaba

Police have arrested eight and wounded four members of the Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) who were involved in the killing of two policemen in Asaba, the capital of Delta State.
The arrests were made by the Delta State Police Command on Monday.
According to a statement signed by the acting Police Public Relations Officer, Mr Charles Muka, the members of the group attacked policemen and army patrol team at three locations at Cable Point and Abraka areas where they killed two policeman, injured two others and made away with one AK.47 rifle and one smoke gunner.
The group was also said to have thrown two of the injured policemen into the River Niger at Cable Point before moving ahead to damage a military and police patrol van.
The police statement also confirmed that a pregnant woman was hit by stray bullet and currently receiving treatment at the Federal Medical Centre, Asaba.
The police said they had restored normalcy in the State capital, but advised parents and guardians to warn their children against unlawful actions.
The group also held demonstrations in some other south eastern states.

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