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Wednesday 25 May 2016

US elections: Violent protests at Trump New Mexico rally

Protesters disrupt Trump rally in Albuquerque on 24 May 2016
Protesters outside a Donald Trump rally in New Mexico have thrown burning T-shirts and bottles and clashed with police.

Police in riot gear fired smoke grenades into the crowd. Protesters also interrupted Mr Trump's speech at the rally in Albuquerque.
Mr Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, wants a wall to be built along the border with Mexico.
New Mexico is the most Hispanic state in the US.

'Still in diapers'protesters had gathered outside the Albuquerque Convention Center, with banners that read "Trump is Fascist" and "We've heard enough".

As the rally got under way, the crowd grew angry, throwing stones at police and trying to set fire to Trump T-shirts they had stolen from a seller, the Albuquerque Journal reports.
Albuquerque police said bottles and rocks had been thrown at officers and police horses, and damage to a Convention Center window may have been caused by a pellet gun.
They were seen responding by firing pepper spray and smoke grenades into the crowd.
Albuquerque Police tweet: Several #APD officers are being treated for injuries as a result of being hit by rocks. At least one subj arrested from the riot.
Mr Trump, speaking to a crowd of 4,000 people, was typically robust in his response to the protesters.
"How old is this kid?" he asked of one that disrupted the rally, adding: "Still wearing diapers."
To others, he said: "Go home to mommy."
Albuquerque is the first stop of Mr Trump's tour of New Mexico, and his rally came on the same day he easily won the Republican presidential primary in Washington state.
His opponents have dropped out of the race, and he is now just a few votes short of securing the 1,237 delegates needed to officially become the Republican candidate for November's presidential election.
New Mexico's Republican Governor Susana Martinez has been critical of Mr Trump's attacks on immigrants and has not yet said if she will support his candidacy for the election.
She and other senior members of the local Republican party stayed away from Tuesday's rally.
Trump supporter in wig at Albuquerque rally on 24 May 2016
   Anti-Trump protesters made their views clear at his rally in Albuquerque                  

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